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Skip Concierge

4.8 ( 6288 ratings )
Utvecklare: YoGovernment Inc.

Be memorable! Help people get their US drivers license or US passport. Help people skip the DMV line and navigate government-related services.

In this version of our concierge app, youll be able to book clients whove booked our road test concierge service, our DMV line concierge service, and our passport concierge service.

If youre looking for our consumer app, search "Hello Skip" in the app store. This is Skips Concierge app!

About Skip

Skip (, formerly known as YoGov, is transforming how people access government-related services, by helping people navigate their DMV waits, DMV road tests, passports, visas, parking tickets, and more.

About Skip Concierge

As a Skip concierge, youll have a major impact on peoples lives, giving them clarity to government and government-mandated services.

Once youre accepted to the Skip Concierge team, youll have access to tens thousands of trips, starting with our Road Test concierge service. Youll get more opportunities to earn money through our new services and our referral programs as well. You have complete flexibility to help clients when you want, planning days or weeks ahead if youd like, as an independent contractor.

To have access to the app, youll need to apply first at and then well reach out to you on next steps!